
Thursday, 25 June 2020


We have been reading different Countrys Myths for the 7 stars. In New Zealand we call the 7 stars Matariki. We have been writing our own myths about Matariki. I enjoyed writing my story. I did not enjoy trying to think of how they turned into stars. Here is my work.

Wednesday, 24 June 2020

Alien Story!

We where writing a story based on Aliens and underpants. We wrote about Aliens because we watched a video on YouTube where there was this girl reading a story called Aliens love underpants. We had to write our own one about the time we saw an Alien in our back yard. The main part was that we had to describe what our Alien looked like. I enjoyed everything about it. Here is my writing. 

Meaning of words

We have been reading an article in a group about the Bird Flu. In the article there where some words highlighted in yellow. The yellow words are the ones that we have to write the meaning of. I got all the meanings of the words off google. In my draw I also have a link that sends you to the site where I found the article so you can see the words. I enjoyed writing my answers and adding photos to it. I did not enjoy finding all the info of the words. I hope you enjoy my draw.

Tuesday, 23 June 2020

The Peco incident Setting $PRO$

We had to descibe the setting on the Peco incident. The Peco incident is a book we have been reading about bird flu. I enjoyed doing my writing. I did not enjoy writing the setting. Here is my work.

Thursday, 18 June 2020

Space writing $PRO$


I have been working on a space writing about Pennywise. We had to do a space theme because Matariki is coming up. I enjoyed everything about my writing. Here it is.

Chicken Diva Art! $PRO$

We read a book about Chicken divas. We made our own Chicken Divas in art. I enjoyed tracing my chicken. I didn't enjoy colouring my whole chicken in pastel. Here is my work.

Rhyming Couplets $PRO$


We have been doing rhyming couplets. We based our rhyming couplets on space because Matariki is coming up. I enjoyed getting the photos for the backgrounds of my poems also I enjoyed writing my poems. I didn't enjoy thinking of rhyming words for each poem. Here is my work.